Monday, January 6, 2014

Italy from the Inside

Hey all, just a quick note about this book I found - for any of you readers going to Italy soon! By far this is the best e-guide book out there. 

I still recommend traditional guide books to carry with you by hand, but e-books are getting more and more useful! Think about it, you can look at the book on your phone or tablet device anywhere after you download it.

Was dreaming about making a book like this, but Francesca Tosolini already did it! Click here! (she also offers a free chapter)

1 comment:

  1. Ogni scrittore ha uno stile diverso e può offrire un contenuto originale ai suoi lettori, affidandosi alle proprie esperienze personali.
    Penso che, quando vorrai, potrai sicuramente realizzare il tuo sogno!
    In bocca al lupo!
